Sometimes you need to change to stay the same

Martin Verzilli

I've been working in the tech industry for 22 years, studying piano for 25, and playing volleyball for as long. Manas.Tech, where Crystal was born and I still work, has been around since 2003. Crystal is only one of the many projects we've maintained and cared for over 10 years (some even go back as far as 15 years).


Next September, the Crystal programming language will turn 13 years old. I was there when it was born as a fun experiment, and I'm still there 13 years later, as it continues to develop into a proud descendant of our beloved Ruby. I'm going to share a handful of stories of key decisions we had to made along these years to guarantee its continued existence. I want us all to smile at the sweet irony that, often times, embracing change is our best chance at building somewhat permanent things in a fundamentally impermanent world.


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