CodeTracer - A new way to debug Ruby
Franz Fischbach
I am an Automation QA and Videographer with a keen interest in product management. For the past three years, I have been working on CodeTracer. I was introduced to the Ruby community exactly a year ago when I filmed this conference for the first time. Coincidentally, just a month later, we added Ruby support to CodeTracer. Since then, I’ve become a Ruby fan, regularly creating small programs for each language we support.
Stanislav Vasilev
Stanislav Vasilev is an open-source developer mainly known for developing cross-platform desktop applications for UDE, as a former i18n application packager at Funtoo Linux, and as a web developer who uses Ruby for various utilities.
CodeTracer is a powerful, open-source, time-traveling debugger designed to revolutionize debugging for Ruby and other programming languages. Unlike traditional debuggers, CodeTracer records the execution of a program into a self-contained trace file, allowing developers to replay, analyze, and debug issues effortlessly.
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