We have moved to Puzl CowOrKing Greenhouse dedicated offices.



Honeybadger combines ALL the monitoring! Error monitoring, uptime monitoring, cron and heartbeat monitoring, performance monitoring, plus status pages into a single easy-to-use platform. It’s everything you need to keep production healthy and your customers happy. Best of all, Honeybadger installs with two lines of code so you can simplify your stack, lower your bills, and speed up your workflow in as little as five minutes. Too good to be true? Click here and see for yourself.

AppSignal APM helps you find bugs and slow actions before the rest of the world finds out. Error tracking, performance monitoring, custom metrics, host monitoring, logging, anomaly detection, uptime monitoring, and public status pages, starting at €18 monthly. Made in Europe.


An anonymous subject is sponsoring our party. Welcome to the Balkans!



By sponsoring Balkan Ruby, you are helping us make a great event while promoting your brand to the passionate Ruby developers in Bulgaria, the Balkans, and beyond!


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